The Company has over the last few years continued to plough back its profits into the community through various corporate social responsibility programs to uplift the living standards of the people. SCAW has been working with the government to foster development in the country through employment creation. The company has continued to supplement the government’s efforts in improving the welfare of people in Zambia through its expansion programs which have created more than 500 jobs in Kitwe, Zambia.
SCAW also operates in compliance with all laws. Its employees are well represented by two Unions, which work hard on behalf of their members. The company also has an in-house clinic where employees go for medical check-ups to safeguard their well-being.
SCAW has implemented a number of work place health and safety policies and procedures to prevent accidents at the work place. The company values its workers as important partners in achieving its goals and has placed great importance in ensuring that they are provided with protective clothing and safety accessories like eye protection goggles, earplugs and boots for use in the plant.